Worship Services are held on the noted days of our Schedule. They form the core of the Feast as we come together before God to worship Him and to hear His Word and the special word He gives through the speakers.
FORMAT: Services are up to 1.5 hours. They are a combination of prayers, songs, scripture readings, brief announcements for the Feast, "Special Music", any special messages and a central Sermon up to 45 minutes in length.
SPEAKERS: All speakers are chosen to preach messages that are Biblical and relevant to the Feast, while proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As this is a non-denominational Festival, speakers do not necessarily represent or sign up to a particular denominational view on certain doctrines. They respect differing beliefs amongst attendees. The speakers are, however, expected to support and express the Vision of the Second Coming of Christ as Saviour and King of Kings, the Resurrection of the Saints (Believers) and the establishment on earth of the Kingdom of God as pictured in the Feast of Tabernacles.
SPECIAL ITEMS: Some services may have special items such as performative music as an act of worship, short additional messages, ceremonial or other functions.
GOOD ORDER: All those attending a Worship Service are asked to enthusiastically and wholeheartedly participate with a sense of dedication before God and of decency in a formal assembly. The decency standards would be the same for any formal public occasion. Therefore, those who wish to interrupt a service or who believe they may have something special to say are asked to refrain and to speak privately with one of the Festival leaders or the Convenor. It is only designated speakers who will be speaking up formally to the entire congregation during the Service. Charismatic "speaking in tongues" is not encouraged nor is their speaking as an interruption accepted, as per the New Testament instructions Paul gave to the churches that church services and meetings be conducted "decently and in order".
CHILDREN/FAMILIES: Kids are ALWAYS to come before God. Jesus made a special and distinctive effort to demonstrate that little children were special to Him and are encouraged to come before God who has a special place for them. We include children in our services so that they too can sing and participate with their family and listen to the Word. They take in more than we know! If your child makes a bit of noise, don't worry, we've been there. If you need to leave the room temporarily to take care of your child's needs, our meeting spaces are chosen to provide extra room for you and facilities as needed.
ATTIRE: Please dress modestly and appropriately for a public gathering before God. If you wish to wear clothing from your native culture, please feel free - God inspired variety in all nations. Suits, ties and semi-formal dresses are not necessary, but if you wish to wear those, feel free to do so as well. Those wearing attire with inappropriate slogans or graphics will be asked to leave the meeting while they change into something more appropriate.